Read Bishop Hying's reflection on the first six months of Into the Deep.
"I am grateful and pleased for the generous spirit, hard work and sacrificial generosity exhibited by so many during the initial phase of the implementation of this ambitious strategic plan."
+Bishop Donald J. Hying
"It would be naïve to think that an endeavor as far-reaching and strategic as Into the Deep could unfold without some problems and challenges. Nevertheless, I and many others throughout the diocese have confidence in Divine Providence and the work of the Holy Spirit in this tremendous effort."
+Bishop Donald J. Hying
"Given all the changes that have come our way regarding Into the Deep – changes of Mass times, movement of priests, all of that – the fact that Mass Attendance has gone up 4.1%, to me, is an astounding reflection of the efficacy of what we are seeking to do."
+Bishop Donald J. Hying
One of the six guiding principles of Into the Deep is to foster youth engagement. As parishes have started blending together in their religious education and youth group efforts, the feedback has been positive. Teens are more excited to participate in youth groups that have larger numbers. Pastorate-wide events, such as middle-school hype nights, are providing new opportunities and enthusiasm. Even diocesan-wide events, such as Frassati Fest, have seen increased registration.
"One of the tremendous fruits of this process is that all of our priests now work in teams, they have the option of living together if they want to, and many of them have taken advantage of that. It means that our priests are not only working together, they’re living together, they’re praying together, they’re sharing life together, they’re able to fill in with each other’s gifts. So that together as united team, they have each other’s backs."
+Bishop Donald J. Hying
Our priests are now working as teams, not celebrating more than three Masses a weekend, many choosing to live together, all of them joining in prayer and fellowship, and feeling each other’s support and help. As a team, they can more readily share their gifts with each other and the people they are serving. With fewer pastors, the parochial vicars have more time and energy for the priestly work they desire to do.
"The cathedral for us is at the heart of the diocese and our particular remodeling of St. Bernard's is an apt symbol of the Into the Deep process. We're taking a gift, a legacy that already exists, and then lovingly transforming it to serve our needs in the current moment and for generations to come. St. Bernard will be a beacon in the heart of the city of Madison, reminding us that God loves us and that in Jesus Christ, the victory has been won for us."
Bishop Donald J. Hying
In the interest of good stewardship, Bishop Hying determined it was better to repurpose an existing church as the cathedral, rather than building a brand new one. The funding for the cathedral renovation project is coming from fundraising efforts in the diocese separate from the Annual Catholic Appeal. Outreach has begun to individuals who have expressed an interest in a new cathedral and will eventually expand later this year to allow everyone interested in the project the opportunity to support it.
Part of the fruit of our Into the Deep process is that we will once again have a cathedral in the city of Madison. We now have the approval of the Holy See that St. Bernard Parish in Madison on Atwood Avenue will be our new cathedral. A cathedral in the history of the Church has always been a fundamental institution, not only of worship, but also of learning, of art, of culture. It is a place at the center of the city to remind people that God is primary in our lives.
Since July 1, 2023, the newly formed pastorates have been taking steps to meet their new priests, worship together, and prepare for the future merger of parishes. Activities include:
Parish mergers will begin on July 1, 2024 and will be completed in waves over the subsequent months. When a pastorate is ready, the existing parishes will be civilly and canonically joined together into a new merged parish. In the months leading up to the merger, parochial administrators, staff, and volunteers will complete a wide variety of preparatory steps:
In addition to worshiping together, parishes in each pastorate have also been making strides toward coming together for events, faith-formation opportunities, service projects, and more.